
Monday 31 October 2011


This was the first assignment done during our textile class. It was a good refreshing course on sewing once again. :) I worked closely with Angeline to finally get this bag and we faced a couple of problems. Some of which were ensuring that we sewed accurately and also that the size and seams of the bag. All the all, it was a good experience and i LOVE this bag! :)

Presenting my.....'KATE SPADE BAG!' (or so that is what some call it.)

Front View

Back View

Post-exam activity

I really enjoyed this activity and hope to be able to do it with my students. However, my only worry is the potential high cost. Like what Ms chin said, i believe it is an EXCELLENT way of learning about our students. What and who means to them the most. :) Plus its a fantastic way of taking a break from the usual school curriculum. Thanks Ms Chin for teaching us this skill! :)

Here's my piece of work. Proudly sharing it.... :)

MIcroteaching OVER!

Finally, the 'battlefield' that I was waiting for is finally over. I'm referring to Food and Nutrition Microteaching of course.
I was lucky I had strong support from my group members, Shi Ping, Iva and Prabhleen. We had already run through each other's recipe together so each member knows what the other members are doing and even gave each other post-it notes so as to remind them on what we would like them to help out with each other's session. It really helps that all of us have clear communication thus resulting in almost no misunderstanding at all throughout the session.

As a teacher for the day though, my biggest fear was that, none of my students will be able to cook the samosa the way I taught them. I was afraid that I might talk too fast or my instructions was unclear to the point my students may not understand me.  Thus, you can imagine my relieve when almost everyone completed folding the samosas within the time frame stipulated and in the triangular shape I had hoped.
 Of course there were shocks and scary moments in my session. I was advised during my demonstration that I had used my equipments wrongly. Being already nervous, shaking, and getting reprimanded was definitely a test to see how well I can control my emotions and thank god, I manage to handle that calmly and take the advice with an open mind.This is a learning point for me because as a teacher, whatever you are doing might be deemed as 'right' by the students thus using the wrong equipments would most likely result in all of them using the wrong equipments too.

The other shocking moment was when I was told that there was small flood in the classroom which I did not realised. As a teacher, I felt that I had not been vigilant and observant enough to notice this.

Despite my fairly positive attempt on teaching the class on how to make samosa, I know that my microteaching could have failed without the help of people, mainly my teacher for telling me that my folding ways in the consultation was wrong, my extremely supportive groupmates and especially, my friend 'A' who taught me the right way to fold samosa. Can't wait for the next microteaching and be a student again!

Thursday 27 October 2011

Marco-teaching-Gp 1!

Unfortunately, i forgot to take photo....:( But here's what we cooked and my refection!

Theme: Rice and Alternatives

1) Hawaii-O Pizza
This was quite a simple dish which required the skills of kneading, rolling-in and rubbing-in. Sham was the one leading this dish and despite his countless practice, during the teaching itself, his dough did not turn out the way it should have. His dough was too wet. Also, there was too much dough left and being a rule of cooking, no food should be wasted. So thankfully, sham managed to use all the extra dough from everyone and created a HUGE pizza! THe pizza was HUGE because it was left sitting for too long so the yeast present in the dough continued to break down the sugar and produced gas. My group's pizza (shi ping and i) turned out pretty nice too! :)

2) Lemon drizzle cake
This dish was led by Fiona. It required the skill of creaming and grating. I would say this was another fairly simple dish, suitable for the upper secondary students. I would say the main challenge of this dish is to be able to present it in a appealing and appetizing way.

3) Potato and Prawn Cutlet
This was led by mei feng. It was an interesting dish which taught the skill of shaping and breading. While cooking this dish, i realised that the common problem faced was that the cutlet would fall apart while frying and also, may stick to the pan if insufficient oil is added. Therefore to prevent this, we must ensure the cutlet is coated properly and also, sufficient oil added to achieve a nicely shaped, golden-brown cutlet!

4) Spicy Seafood Spaghetti
This was led by Shahidah. I liked this dish because it required us to make our own sauce from scratch which i always wanted to. The skills practiced in this dish were mainly just stir-frying and blending. The only problem that may be faced when teaching students this dish is for those who cannot take spicy (which happened to some of our classmates). They were unable to enjoy this dish as it was too spicy for them. This could be a pointer to take note if we plan to teach it in the future!

All in all, it was a great first marco-teaching session and i think the group did a great job! Was totally exhausted after that!

Friday 21 October 2011

Micro-teaching Completed!!!!

The day we've been waiting for!


Dishes made during micro-teaching on the 19th October were:
Roti Jala with daal - Me (Shi Ping)
Vegetarian pilaf rice - Prabhleen
Egg and potato samosa - Amirah
Ang Ku Kueh - Iva

Before this micro-teaching, I had never heard of roti jala and really had no confident at all. Roti jala looks like a very easy dish to be made with simple ingredients but the technique really requires practice. I've failed many times at home during practice and was on the verge of changing a dish. Even during micro-teaching practice in school which was just a few days before the real thing, the roti jala was still not up to standard but thank God everything went well on the day of micro-teaching. :)

On the day of micro-teaching, many students failed the roti jala as well but I'm sure with more practice in their own time, they will be able to master the technique like me and pass on the skills to their future students! Practice makes perfect!

Although the dish was a success, there are still areas for improvement. Comments were I was too soft so next time I have to SCREAM. And I should had given an exact quantity of water in the recipe instead of adding water to feel for the right consistency since everyone's sense of judgement is different and that could be a reason why so many students did not succeed in the making of roti jala.

As for my daal, it is another simple dish to make but I think it is difficult to get the right consistency and taste of a daal. I've never tasted daal in my life but according to an Indian classmate, the daal that I taught them tasted differently from what she knows. Perhaps I should try tasting daal someday and figure out how. Even though the daal consistency is still not quite up to standard, I personally like the taste of it. Thanks Prabhleen for the spices and recipe. :)

Overall, I think our group did great as mentioned by our classmates in terms of flow-ability and outcome of dishes. I've asked classmates and most of them like Amirah's samosa the best! Me too! :D
Thanks to all members for the encouragement and support. Good job Group 5!

Home Economics Micro-teaching

Sorry for the lack of update and the belated post regarding my Home Economics Micro-teaching.

I chose a bus-stop activity on the topic - Different Methods of Cooking

Feedback given by students were the activities were engaging but time at each station was insufficient. And I personally feel that Station D which students were required to do a sensory evaluation of the meats cooked by different cooking methods was a wastage of food. I bought two packets of meat and woke up 4.30am in the morning to cook but many students did not dare to try saying that they have turned cold and hard. :(

Learning outcome:
- Learn how to facilitate bus-stop activities by taking note of students' answer and asking questions
- Give sufficient time at each station
- Make the food more appealing by heating up prior to the activity or choose a different kind of food

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Group 4 Theme: Oktoberfest :) - The presentation was very creative ans well liked. Some chilled 'non-alcoholic' beer gave it a refreshing look. Dishes were: Beef Kebabs, Stuffed chicken drumsticks, Chicken Stew pie and Minced beef cabbage rolls...ymmmm:))

Dishes made by me :)) Chicken stew was still in the oven .....

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Micro Teaching Group 1

Gp 1 : Based on Royal Theme

Micro Teaching Gp 1 : Done by Amirah and Prabhleen
Seafood Spaghetti, Potato Cutlet, Hawiian-O Pizza and Lemon Drizzle Cake

Micro Teaching Gp 2: Royal theme: Scones, Choux Pastry, Chewy Chocolate Orange Cookies, Egg Tart. I really enjoyed the recipes and the presenation layout complementing with the royal tea set. The gold and bronze colours blended well with the colours of the dish presented.